Conflict Resolution

Presented by: AAGO & BAAA

Thursday, November 19, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (EST)
Zoom Webinar
It's 2020 and tensions are, understandably, running high.

Avoiding conflict at the grocery store is hard enough... try delivering an eviction notice in the midst of a pandemic! Our current operational environment is fraught with potentially emotional or conflict inducing scenarios. However, with training and implementing proven techniques, you can be prepared to deal with conflict and de-escalate emotionally charged situations! 

Our expert, Derwin Bradley, will discuss...
  • Situational awareness and identifying potentially volatile people and situations in advance.
  • Effectively communicating potentially stress-inducing messages to residents, customers, and team members.
  • Conflict resolution techniques and proven methods to de-escalate emotionally charged situations.
This webinar is FREE for FCAA members and good for 1.5 CECs.

Meet our presenter!

Derwin BRadley Headshot

Derwin Bradley, Jr., Master Police Officer (Ret.)

City of Orlando Police Department