Important Information

The First Coast Apartment Association is located at 9456 Philips Highway Suite 4, Jacksonville, FL 32256. We are located in the Interstate Commerce Center across the street from the Regal Avenues Movie Theater on Philips Highway. We are just north of the Avenues Mall. 

Hours of Operation: 

Monday - Friday - 8:30am - 4: 30pm*
*Hours of operation can be affected by Holidays and Events. For questions feel free to call or text us at 904-292-1345. 

We try very hard to be good neighbors to our fellow suitemates. Please be aware, and try not to park directly in front of our surrounding businesses. 


Over the years, some of the Management Companies and Properties have moved to using a 3rd Party Vendor Payment Company to make their Vendor Bill payments.  Some of these payment companies are set up for the receiving party (FCAA) to create logins to their systems in order to retrieve encrypted Credit Card details to apply to the open invoices of their members who use these payment companies.  Others send the encrypted email with credit card details directly to the receiving party (FCAA).  Most of these 3rd Party Vendor Payment Companies like to charge the receiving company (FCAA) a fee for this.  Previously, FCAA allowed this to happen.  In doing so, FCAA did not receive all the money for the services that their members purchased as a result of these fees that were charged.  


Effective immediately, FCAA will not participate with 3rd party payment systems in order to collect money that is owed to FCAA by its members.  We understand that these systems help our members from their end to process payments they owe however these same systems only cause FCAA to spend more to collect what is already owed to the association because of the extra time it takes us to register for, maintain an account with, and physically submit invoices into our members internal systems.  As you can imagine, this costs an extreme amount of time with as many members as we have, that time and the payroll cost associated with it is amounting to be too much.  This is why we will no longer participate in any of the 3rd party payment systems.  We also will not participate with compliance programs or provide insurance certificates.  We are not a vendor that does work or that you hire to do a job for you.  We are a Trade Association that you all come to us for membership and services.  We have found however that each of those different systems used by our members have a "backdoor" that helps our members in this situation.  It allows us not to register for or maintain any account with them but still gets your invoice submitted where it needs to go from our automatic invoicing system.  You would need to contact your vendor payment program/3rd party payment provider and ask them what email address you can give us so that we can enter it into our system.  That email address will be where our automatic system will send your invoices (the "backdoor" for the portal of your system) and then you can process them however your company requires you to.  Further, we will not be logging into those systems to retrieve credit card details, they will need to email us the details directly so we can apply them or a preferred method would be for you to receive the credit card details, log into your member compass and apply the payment from your end.  


We thank you for understanding and informing your 3rd Party Vendor Payment company right away.  We will not be logging in to any other systems effective immediately.

Updated on 6.24.24

The FCAA Professional Development Center is a place of learning and idea sharing for FCAA members. To ensure that all members feel comfortable sending their teams to events and education, recruitment activities are not allowed at any FCAA event. Individuals who are caught recruiting will receive one warning and then be asked to leave the event. Thank you for helping us make FCAA enjoyable for everyone!

Cancellation Policy    |    Code of Conduct  |  Photo/Video Disclaimer  |  Data Use Policy

Policies and Procedures

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

Financial Policies and Procedures Approved November 2006

Directors Emeritus Policy

Antitrust Compliance Policy

Whistleblower Policy

Document Retention and Destruction Policy

Social Media Policy

Conflict of Interest

Board Member Agreement