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Say No to Federal Rent Control
Say No to Federal Rent Control

Hello FCAA Members, As you likely know, President Biden recently proposed raising taxes on certain apartment owners and operators who raise rents more than 5% in a year. And as you also know, rent control has proven unsuccessful in every jurisdiction where it has been... Continue Reading

Date posted07/23/2024

News Release | Announcing Jim Forlenza as FCAA’s new EVP
News Release | Announcing Jim Forlenza as FCAA’s new EVP

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Date posted07/22/2024

Days of Giving | Support Local Charities
Days of Giving | Support Local Charities

Powered By Next Gen Continue Reading

Date posted10/11/2022

Changing Homelessness!
Changing Homelessness!

You can help Change Homelessness! For almost 50 years, a group of organizations has worked together across NortheastFlorida to prevent and end homelessness. And each year, this group grows larger,expanding to ensure coverage of each square mile in the tri-county area and all who livehere. After... Continue Reading

Postedby Tracy Israel
Date posted02/15/2022

Have you ever considered renting to a homeless veteran?
Have you ever considered renting to a homeless veteran?

Have you ever considered renting to a homeless veteran? By Sheila Millan, LCSW and HUD/VASH Social Worker Not all that long ago, say prior to 2008, there weren’t any programs to speak of in the Jacksonville area that was specifically aimed at trying to house our nation’s homeless... Continue Reading

Date posted02/8/2022

Hurricane Ian: Be Prepared!
Hurricane Ian: Be Prepared!

Hurricane Ian: Be Prepared! First coast emergency management information SHELTER INFORMATION CLICK HERE. NOAA HURRICANE CENTER: ian UPDATES Step - By - Step Hurricane Preparedness NAA Hurricane Preparedness Tips! FEMA Disaster Resources FCAA Supplier Members Hurricane preparation... Continue Reading

Postedby Lindsey McClain
Date posted09/27/2021

New Federal Rental Assistance Funds Available!
New Federal Rental Assistance Funds Available!

The U.S. Treasury Department has recently disbursed rental assistance funds to Clay County, Duval County, and St. John's County respectively. These funds are for renters who have been impacted by COVID-19 and have overdue rent. Each county government will be responsible for how to disperse the... Continue Reading

Date posted02/22/2021

Human Trafficking Awareness Requirements
Human Trafficking Awareness Requirements

During the 2019 legislative session, language was added to Florida Statutes to increase human trafficking awareness by imposing various requirements on public lodging establishments, including apartment communities. The requirements added by Section 509.096 go into effect January 1, 2021. This... Continue Reading

Date posted02/1/2021

Hurricane Preparation Checklist
Hurricane Preparation Checklist

Be Prepared. It's the motto of the Boy Scouts, and also just very sound advice for 2020. The 2020 Hurricane season kicked on on June 1, and is anticipated to be an active year. Please take a moment and make sure that your property and company is prepared if a hurricane targets the First Coast.... Continue Reading

Postedby Ben Brewer
Date posted06/16/2020

Special Message from FCAA Premier Sponsors
Special Message from FCAA Premier Sponsors

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Date posted05/26/2020

COVID-19: Local Government Activity
COVID-19: Local Government Activity

Below you will find a list of actions local governments within the First Coast area have taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Note: This list is not all encompassing and is expected to grow in the coming weeks. It will be updated as new information becomes available. For specific... Continue Reading

Date posted04/9/2020

Three Day Notice Update
Three Day Notice Update

Disclaimer: The information enclosed in this update is being provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. FCAA members are encouraged to contact their legal counsel regarding any landlord/tenant law matters. The industry is in uncharted territory at this time and... Continue Reading

Postedby Brian Wolk
Date posted04/7/2020