2024 Budget Guide

Welcome to the FCAA Member Budget and Planning Guide page! This is designed to be a quick reference to assist you with planning your investment in FCAA programs and events for 2024 and beyond! Please note, pricing and scheduled dates are subject to change. Be sure to check FCAAonline.com for the most current information.

2024 Membership

The FCAA Board has officially established pricing for new members and 2024 renewals. See below for information on how to budget for your renewal dues. As a reminder, renewal dues invoices will be sent out on December 1st, 2023 with a due date of January 31st, 2024. Dues received after March 31st may be subject to a $100 reinstatement fee.

Community Dues: $2.99 Per Unit per year  (Ex. 100 units x $2.99 = $299) 

Associate Dues: $445 per company per year 

Re-instatement Fee : $100 (If Dues payment is not received within 120 days of Dues Invoice creation.) 

Voluntary PAC donation: $35

APAC is the voice for Florida’s multifamily industry, and your contribution to APAC enables FAA to advocate for you in Tallahassee. During the last election cycle, 92 percent of APAC-supported candidates were elected in Florida.

Many special interest groups spend millions of dollars lobbying the legislature for their political agenda. It is critical that we protect our businesses from these special interest groups who seek to impose threats such as requiring leasing consultants to hold a real estate license, new inspection fees, and myriad costly mandates. Through united action, we can fight back, stand strong, and succeed together.

The ability of apartment owners to continue to provide safe, affordable rental housing to our residents, and deliver valued services to them – while doing this effectively, efficiently, and profitably – rests on the continued financial strength of APAC.

More information on APAC can be found here.

2024 Education Programs & Pricing

FCAA Programs and Classes are all priced per person. Note: Some designations have eligibility requirements in order to complete the program and receive the designation. Please be sure to consult with the FCAA Education Department if you have questions about your eligibility. Not all credentials, classes or seminars are listed below. 

Quick Reference Guide (Member Pricing shown)

NAAEI Credentials

  • CAM (Certified Apartment Manager) - $950-In-person; $950- virtual (Spring and Fall)
  • CAMT (Certified Apartment Maintenance Technician)- $810 (January and July)
  • CALP (Certified Apartment Leasing Professional)- $465- in-person; $465-virtual(February)
  • CAS (Certified Apartment Supplier) - $475 (Spring and Fall)


  • EPA (Types I,II, III, Core and Universal) - $175 (Offered quarterly in-person, or anytime online)
  • CPO (Certified Pool Operator)- $325.00(Offered quarterly in-person)

All Day Maintenance Classes (7 CEC's for PMC License Renewal) - $250 

Fair Housing Class -$74 (Spring and Fall)

Leasing 101 & Advanced Leasing - $89 (Spring and Fall)

Landlord-Tenant Law - $99 (February and October)

Lunch and Learns - $25(Offered every other month) 

Maintenance Breakfasts   - $25 (Offered Quarterly)

View ALL Upcoming Seminars, Certifications, and Designations

2024 Annual Events & Pricing

Dates, pricing, and locations are subject to change.

January- State of the Market Breakfast - $45-50pp (Early Bird Pricing Offered)

March - Maintenance Appreciation Event (previously known as Maint. Mania)- $45-60 (Early Bird Pricing offered)

April 26th - Circle of Excellence Awards @ The Florida Theatre - Nominations = $25 | Tickets - $75pp (Early Bird Pricing Offered)

July 17th- FCAA Trade Show @ Jax Fairgrounds - $20 per ticket - Early Bird Ticket | $25 - at the door (2023 Booth Pricing - $635 standard | $735 premium) 

September - Golf Tournament - $110 per golfer

October - Boos, Brews, & Chari-TEEs - $55-65pp (Early Bird Pricing Offered)

November - Dinner Meeting/Breakfast - $45-50pp (Early Bird Pricing Offered)

November - Business Exchange- $150 - $200 per company representative

December - Holiday Party - $65 - 75pp (Early Bird Pricing Offered)

Learn more about our annual signature events:

View Upcoming Signature Events

*All pricing is subject to change. Please check back on FCAAOnline.com for registration options. 

Sponsorship Information

  • NEW! Ambassador Program! Our previous Premier Sponsorship has been revamped! This year-round sponsorship program now has different level options, with each level overflowing with benefits and including your 2024 membership due!


  • Expand your brand!  Take advantage of sponsoring an FCAA class, program, or event.  For 2024 we will be adding sponsorship opportunities for almost any budget size, and we are happy to assist you with planning your FCAA engagement strategy. For more information call or text our office at: 904-292-1345 or email us at: [email protected]


  • Showcase your Company! FCAA has different online advertising opportunities available to you so that you can showcase your company to anyone visiting our website!